Let me start out with a cool vignette. I guess.
There's a video on YouTube that someone made about a popular online video game and a Toyota truck. (I'm not supporting online video games - in fact, I really don't like them. I was addicted to them for awhile and it's terrible. Anyway.) In the movie, the avatar gets in his little Toyota truck and drives through the forest, with his buddies on their horses trying to keep up, and ramps off a cliff... straight into the jaws of a dragon. The guy's friends are rather distraught at his death. That is, until a bulge appears in the dragon's neck.
The bulge explodes, and the man drives out of the neck, killing the dragon, and lands on the cliff. He drifts to a stop and that's when you notice the dragon's heart beating in the bed of the avatar's truck.
And then, this epic line of epic lines:
Ah. I love it!
Saturday night, we had a similar experience. Elder Russell, in conjunction with the Spirit, laid down the law.
We were with a family whom we've been teaching for awhile. They constantly fight, and that night was no exception. Back and forth they went, no love in that room. Finally, I said, "Alright, stop! Everyone say something nice about the person to your right!"
What we got, though, was some blank looks. No one had anything to say, really. The father and one daughter got up to leave. I asked, "Really? You don't have anything nice to say?"
Nope, nothing.
And then, the arguing broke back out.
I looked over at my companion with his head in his hands. Unbeknown to the rest of the family, I could tell he was deep in prayer, pleading with the Lord.
And then, I watched him go epic. It's so amazing, I must stick it in a quote:
Alright, I can't take it anymore! I'm sick of listening to you all fight! Do you not love one another at all? We're here to teach you about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I've only got 10 months left to share this message of hope and that's really not long! So we're here to teach you, and if you won't let us, we probably won't be coming back! So please, let us teach you! Please!Whoa. I wanted to break out in song, singing "I Stand All Amazed..."
He was almost in tears, pleading, frustrated, and sad. I felt the Spirit just flow into the room. It was mind-blowing.
The father and the daughter ended up leaving after that, but we were left with the grandmother, daughter, and son. It was peaceful after that. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught them about the Book of Mormon. It. Was. So good! We committed them to coming to church and reading the Book of Mormon - and they accepted (and they did all come to church today, plus the daughter who got up and left!).

Now, to tie the two stories together.
When we walked out of the house and down the street, I looked at Elder Russell and said:
I saw you lay down the law! You are the Lawgiver!Being bold with the Spirit of God - it's great. So great. So, here's a picture of Moses, laying down the law. He, too, was the lawgiver. But the Ultimate lawgiver?
Jesus Christ - The Ultimate Lawgiver
I bear my testimony to you that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. There is no trial that is too great for His power, no pain that is too fragile for His gentleness.
The Gospel is True.
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