Do you remember the times as a little kid when you got the answer, "Because I said so?"
At one point or another we all had come up with what we thought were spectacular, ground breaking, life changing ideas. Excited, we just could not wait to put them into action! Who wouldn't love this idea we came up with? It was going to be the most fun activity ever, or it would solve world hunger, or it would be absolutely the best prank in the world.
And then, we were stopped, most often by our parents.
"No. You can't do that."
"Why not?!"
"Because I said so."
And that was usually the end of that conversation. After that, it was up to us to decide what to do. We could ignore our parents instructions, angrily continue to question their reasoning, or we could do what they told us.
How many of you did that last one? Not me. Not that often.
(And if you did, will you please tell me what your parents and you were doing right so that I can do that one day when I'm a father? K thanks.)
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we've been given more commandments than the rest of the world has been given. God has revealed even more that He does or does not want us to do. I try my best to keep these commandments, although I'm not nearly perfect. I may be a missionary, but I come packaged with weaknesses.
Time after time, I've been questioned about these commandments. Why do you do that? Why don't you do this? Why? Why? Why? Sometimes, I'm able to give my inquisitors a good answer. But other times...
"Because God said so."
Not quite the most satisfactory answer, is it? Yeah, I know.
Some may classify me as a thoughtless drone. Others may say I'm an ignorant follower. Yet still, more warn me against a blind faith. Classify me as you will, say whatever you want with your conventional wisdom and scholarly learning, but I'll call it something different.
It's trust.
Let me illustrate that trust to you.
In the chronicles of time, few examples of trust shine brighter than that of Abraham and Isaac. Want to talk about following a crazy commandment? Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his only son, his only child, Isaac. I've been asked to not drink wine. I think it's clear which choice is easier.
Yet Abraham, 'crazy' old Abraham, trusted God. He didn't question why. He probably cried. Oh, I'm sure he had a horrible time the week before. Horrible.
I'm sure that morning was cold. Doesn't matter what time of year it was, it was cold. He probably pleaded with the Lord a few times that morning in broken-heartfelt prayer. He stumbled as he walked towards Isaac to wake him. Abraham teared up as he smiling woke his son that morning.
"Hey dad" Isaac mumbled through sleeping eyes and a yawn. I smiled down at him and told him to wake up. I left his tent to let him get dressed.
Eventually he emerged. We shared some bread that morning. It was the most bittersweet 'last-supper' that I've ever had. We talked about his life, his loves and interests, his everything. He's grown into such a fine young man I thought. He's my pride and joy.
We cleaned up breakfast, gathered the necessary things, and set off towards the mountain. The conversation grew quiet. No, not quiet. Solemn. Somber. I'm not sure if there were birds chirping that morning. I couldn't hear them if they were there. The sun rose, heating up the land around me. But it was still cold.
Time passed. Our footsteps were steady.
"Dad, are you sure?" I could hear the trepidation and fear in his voice as he spoke. For a moment, my own faith wavered. And then my resolve returned. I shook my head.
"No, son, I'm not, but I trust the Lord." I paused for a moment. "He won't lead us astray. I know that. I'm not sure why He requires this thing of us. Of me. Of you. But He has. And as much as I love you, I love Him more." He glanced at me and half smiled, then put his face back to the road.
We arrived at the spot. We got the altar ready and then we both stared at it for a moment. A very long moment. I whispered a small prayer in my heart for the strength to keep the commandments of God and for Him to take care of my son. And then I turned and embraced him.
However long the previous moment was, this moment was longer. I didn't want to forget it. When we finally pulled apart, he stole one last glance at me and then got up on the altar and laid down.
I took the knife in my hand. The hilt was so cold. I looked at my son and his eyes were closed tight. I'm sure he was praying as fervently as I just had. I slowly raised my hand and placed the knife some distance above his chest. I took a deep breath.
Whatever noise was around us went silent. Time seemingly stood still. It was already cold, but now it was frozen. Everything. However long the previous two moments were, this moment was even longer.
"Abraham! Abraham!"
"What? Who's there?"
"Don't touch your son. Don't hurt him at all!" commanded the angel. "I know now that you truly love and respect God, because you have not withheld your son, your only son from me." It was then that I realized it wasn't just an angel, but the very image of God Himself. He directed me to a ram, caught in the thicket not far off. I couldn't run to it fast enough. Isaac arrived at my side and we carried it back to the altar.
It was the warmest day of my life.
Want to talk about trusting God? Abraham surely did. He trusted Him more than life itself. He loved Him. He respected Him.
God told us not to drink wine. He didn't command us to sacrifice our child.
Abraham didn't question God when given a new revelation, a new commandment. He didn't turn and say, "Well wait a minute. I'm doing what you told me to earlier! I'm not going to listen to you! I'm going to sacrifice my son, here and now." Nor did Abraham say, "Whatever. Don't see the point! No reason! The world is over-populated!" and continue on. He simply loved and trusted the Lord. He did as he was told.
I can't explain every commandment that God has ever given. I don't know His reasons. But, what I do know, is that He loves me. He loves you. He loves us all. And if He commands it, then there really must be some benefit behind the commandment. The will of God will never, ever lead us to a place where His Grace and love cannot protect us. It's just the way it is - just the way He is.
I know that God has truly restored, in it's fullness, the church that He set up. I know that He's again given us true and living prophets. (You can know all of that for yourself, too!) I know that He's alos given us more commandments. I don't know the reasons for all of them. But I do know that God wouldn't lead us astray.
I know that with all my heart.
So, the next time you ask me why, there's a good chance you'll get this as a response:
Am I all knowing? Nope.
Are you? Nope.
Is God?